Child Find
Each school district in New York State is required by law to establish a Committee on Special Education (CSE) which, comprised of parents and professional school personnel, reviews the needs of each child referred and determines if she/he is educationally disabled. Appropriate services or programs for identified children are then recommended by the Committee to the Board of Education. These programs take the form of part-time services, full-time special classes or home instruction. Special classes, resource rooms and consultant teachers are available at all schools.
When the Committee on Special Education has determined that students with special education needs cannot be provided for in the District schools, appropriate out-of-district instructional programs are arranged at the District’s expense.
The school district is also responsible for the placement of preschool children, ages 3 and 4, who have been identified by the Committee on Preschool Special Education as educationally disabled. This Committee is made up of district personnel, a parent, a representative of Erie County, a representative of a preschool education agency and regular and special education teachers.
Contact the Special Education Office your building principal if you feel your child may require special educational services.
A NYS Parent’s Guide to Special Education for Children Ages 5-21 is available upon request. Click here for the online version.
If your child is disabled or you suspect he/she may be disabled, he or she may be entitled to special education and/or related services without cost to you. A child with a disability is entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).