Bidding Process
- All public bids for commodities and services are advertised in the legal notices of the Amherst Bee and posted on this website.
- Bidders are responsible for printing their own bid documents.
- All bids must be received in a sealed envelope by the due date and time specified on the bid.
- The envelope must be labeled with the bid name, bid number and due date. Bidders are welcome to attend bid openings.
- New bidders will be subject to a vendor analysis and may be required to submit information on ownership, company history, financials and at least three references during the bid tabulation process.
- Award recommendations are submitted to the Board of Education for approval as required.
Bidding Thresholds
Materials, Equipment and Supplies – General Municipal Law 103 and District Policy require formal sealed bids for purchases of $20,000 or more for any single item or
commodity group (similar items).
Contracts for Public Works
General Municipal Law 103 requires formal sealed bids for purchases of $35,000 or more for all repair or contract obligations that involve goods and services in a single project. An architectural firm will perform the bid process for any public works projects greater than $35,000.
Request for Proposal Process
The Business Office periodically issues Requests for Proposals for professional services. Specifications for RFP’s will also be posted on the website.
New York State Contracts
The District also accesses New York State contracts for various equipment, supplies and services.
Required Bid Documents will open in a pdf file.