Curriculum and Instruction
Department Staff
Lynn E. Shanahan, Ph.D.
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Technology
Amy Steger
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Dawn Schmitt
Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Ashley Bereziuk
District Data Coordinator
Lisa Nestico
District Data Specialist
Donna Frymire
District Technology Integration Specialist
Advanced Coursework Gr. 7-12
The District acknowledges that advanced coursework can foster academic excellence, enhance critical thinking skills and prepare students for college and career success. in light of the potential benefits and opportunities, the District is committed to offering a variety of advanced coursework options. BOE Policy 7223
Our Instructional Vision is that a guaranteed, viable and aligned curriculum be taught in every subject at every grade level designed to meet the needs of all studentsAmherst Central school district