ACSD Strategic Action Plan 2023-2027
A Renewed Focus
- A renewed focus for 2023-2027 Academic and Departmental Goals
- Measurable Outcomes
- Development of Key Priorities in three areas: Teaching & Learning, Student Life, Amherst Pride
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiatives embedded in our three Key Priorities strands
The updated plan is a comprehensive road map to all that occurs within ACSD, as well as the partnerships we form within the Amherst community.
Plan History
The original 2017-2022 plan was thoughtfully developed over a full year in 2016-2017 when the school district launched a partnership with the Warner School of Education to begin a process to create a district strategic plan. Two forms of data were collected and used for decision making, Qualitative and Quantitative data. Qualitative data came from a variety of sources including parent, staff and student interviews and perception-sharing opportunities. All district employees, students and residents were invited to attend focus groups and interviews, as well as respond to a survey, answering a variety of questions regarding their perceptions of the district. Quantitative data came from the New York State Education Department reports, the United States Census, Buffalo Business First as well as Amherst Central School audits and operating budget. This data was then analyzed by a district Strategic Planning Council (SPC); this team included 42 stakeholders from the school community including students, teachers, staff and administration, as well as community stakeholders including parents, Board of Education members and community leaders. Under the facilitation of a member Warner School a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis was conducted to identify key strategic issues within the district.
Three priority areas (Teaching and Learning, Student Life, Amherst Pride) lay the foundation for our ACSD Strategic Plan and subsequent initiatives, and action steps. Each priority area has multiple initiatives and action steps that will provide the actual work of the District, specifically five Action Planning Teams - one at each building and central office.