School Closing Procedures
When inclement weather or any other emergency situation forces the closing of District schools, the information will be communicated by radio, television broadcast and our parent broadcast system. Please do not telephone the schools or the District Office.
The decision to close schools in weather- related situations will normally be made by 6:15 a.m. The safety of our students and staff is the basis for any decision, and the key factors that must be considered include road conditions and weather reports.
Please tune in to a Buffalo radio or television stations for school closing information.
When the schools are closed due to weather conditions, all other activities including before and after school programming, sports practice, student activities and Community Education classes will be cancelled. If schools are closed for other reasons, activities and practices that are not affected by the specific emergency may be permitted with prior approval of the building administrator.
In-School Closing Procedures (for when school is in progress)
If inclement weather should occur after students are already in school, students will not be dismissed during the height of any weather-related storm. In most cases dismissal would then take place at the regular dismissal time, weather permitting. However, on very rare occasions it may be necessary to close a school during the day due to loss of power, loss of water or other emergency situations. If this occurs, procedures are in place to transport the students to another building, if necessary. Students and staff would then remain at the alternate site until the regular dismissal time. A pre-established program of instruction would be implemented at the alternate site. Parents are reminded to provide the school office with up-to-date emergency telephone numbers.
Update Cell Number in Aspen Portal
Parents can receive text messages, straight to a mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more.
Your cell phone number(s) must be on file in Aspen Family Portal so you can participate in this free service.
How to update your cell in Aspen. Just send a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587.
You can also opt out of these messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.