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Streets Guide

If you are unsure whether your residence falls within the district boundaries, check the location of your residence in the Streets Guide.

Amherst Central School District Streets Guide


Change of Address

If you have moved and currently reside in the Amherst Central School District attendance area, please update your address as soon as possible. This process must be completed in order to change your address for transportation purposes and it may take several days for bus routes to be changed. Your child's school office cannot help you change the address. All address changes go through the Central Registration Office.

Change of Address Form

Return the signed and completed form by selecting one of the methods below:  

1. Scan the completed form and email to the Central Registrar Sally Cukierski 
2. Fax the completed form to 716-836-2537
3. Mail the completed form: Amherst CSD Central Registration, 55 Kings Highway, Amherst, NY 14226

NYS law requires you to update your drivers license address within ten days of the change of your legal address. NYS DMV Change of Address for License web link