17 Compete at DECA Regionals
17 Compete at DECA Regionals
Seventeen students competed at the DECA regional competition held at the Niagara Falls Convention Center in December 2024. Five students competing in individual events qualified for the upcoming New York State competition in March 2025. Approximately 600 students competed in various business role plays and case studies, prepared events, and online simulations covering career clusters in marketing, finance, hospitality and management, and entrepreneurship. Events are judged by local area industry professionals.
Representing Amherst at state competition in March will be:
- Business Services Marketing: Pia Choksi
- Food Marketing Series: Mushfiq Bari
- Principles of Entrepreneurship: Nahiyan Shafy
- Quick Serve Restaurant Management: William McIntyre
- Retail Merchandising: Afsah Kamran
Competing at the regionals were:
- Business Finance Series: Alan Khinkis
- Principles of Business Management and Administration: Ryan Fortune
- Principles of Hospitality and Tourism: Hanna Gilmartin
- Quick Serve Restaurant Management: Ihsan Jamil
- Entrepreneurship Team Decision Making: Henry Kaczmarczyk and Augustine Lombardo
- Marketing Management Team Decision Making: Sarah Justin and Sadie Riordan
- Travel and Tourism Team: Amani Saleh and Amira Saleh
- Travel and Tourism Team: Colin Butler and Lyle Quinlan
All students in grades 9-12 may join DECA, an international business and marketing club with over 227,000 members.