Three ACHS Students Win Suicide Prevention Awareness Art Contest
Isabelle Simonson, a junior, won first place in the second annual BryLin Hospital suicide prevention awareness art contest.
Declan Goldhawk, a senior, and Quinn Dio, a sophomore, tied for third place. All three students accepted their awards Sept. 24, 2024 from Mark Cye, President of BryLin and Eric Pleskow, CEO of BryLin.
The theme of the contest was “You Are Not Alone“ to underscore the vital role of support in addressing mental health and suicide prevention. The goal is to remind individuals that they do not have to face their struggles in isolation, help is available.
“I'm very proud of all of them, especially because these award contests are voluntary and their artworks are self-directed,” said Doug Pashley, ACHS art teacher.
Held in September to coincide with Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, the contest is judged by BryLin Hospital leadership and winning artwork will be on display at the hospital. In last year’s contest, ACHS senior Olivia Griffo earned a second place award.