Recognizing the Dedication of the Amherst Central Schools' Board of Education
School Board Recognition week honors the citizen-leaders who contribute their expertise to guide the Amherst Central School District community toward its goals. The seven men and women that comprise the Board of Education for the Amherst Central School District face complex and demanding challenges. These citizen-leaders proudly take on responsibilities that entail an endless string of board and committee meetings; reams of reports, agendas, proposals and other information to read and study; and a host of difficult decisions to make. They offer their time and talents to take on one of the most important responsibilities in our community, that of overseeing the education of our youth.
This week our district joins others across the state to mark School Board Appreciation Week Oct. 14-18, 2024. Our school board members are true champions which reflects their mission to develop policies and strongly advocate for continuous improvement in student learning. Our board members bear responsibility for an annual budget of $78.7 million, 2,996 students, 500 employees and our educational complex. They do so much and deserve recognition for their dedication and hard work. We honor and thank the Amherst Central School District Board of Education - President Paul Steimle, Vice President Jessica McLaughlin, and Board Members Gordon Crock, Lynn Errington, Lorry Goldhawk, Maryjane Metzen and Dominic Vivolo.
They are appreciated for the role they play in creating the high-quality educational environment for the students at Amherst Central School District.