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Family Support Center

Local & National Resources

Emergency Crisis

Amherst Central Family Support Center

The center's goal is to foster family communication and well-being, healthy youth development and success in school. If students are struggling with issues such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem/self-image, substance use, family conflicts, peer relationships or serious school academic or behavior concerns, the Family Support Center can help. Our program will assist parents with getting their children and family the most appropriate, affordable support in a timely manner. We can also assist parents/caregivers with their own counseling needs or parenting support. 

In order to accomplish this, there is a spectrum of services available, including: 

  • Individual and family counseling
  • Support groups
  • Parenting groups
  • Referrals and information to outside community resources
  • Wellness activities

 Download the FSC Brochure

FSC Staff
Juliane Grover
School Counselor, FSC Liaison

Marlana Howard, LCSW
School Social Worker

Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Evening hours are available upon request. Call to schedule appointments outside of office hours.

The FSC follows the ACSD academic calendar. If Amherst schools are closed for emergency or snow days, so is the FSC.

St. Pauls Lutheran Church

St. Paul's Lutheran Church
4007 Main Street, Eggertsville
Entrance is through a doorway in back parking lot

exterior entrance


How Does it Work?


OUR MISSION - We exist to provide community resources and support to families in the pursuit to create well-adjusted and confident children. 



New! Family Therapy

We are expanding the partnership between the ACSD Family Support Center and Horizon Health Services to offer Family Therapy by a Family Counselor to help families through problems and improve their relationships. Tuesday afternoon appointments will be at the Family Support Center, located at 4007 Main Street (in St. Paul's Lutheran Church). Limited appointments are available. Email your child's social worker/counselor or the FSC at for information. You can also call the FSC for information.  All students and families that live in the boundaries of Amherst Central School District are eligible for Family Therapy. 

Get to Know the FSC


September 2024 - Suicide Prevention Month
October 2024 - National Bullying Prevention / National Substance Use Prevention Month
February 2025 - Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
March 2025 - National Self-Harm Awareness Month
April 2025 - Alcohol Abuse Preventional Awareness Month
May 2025 - National Mental Health Month
June 2025 - LGBTQIA+ Pride Month